A Cutting-Edge Technology
At IonFlow, we’ve combined the ceramic bead’s innovative materials science & advanced water treatment technology with application technique to deliver cleaner, healthier water for homes, businesses, and industries. This cat-ion based purification process transforms ordinary water into a resource that’s free from harmful impurities, scale deposits, and microbial threats while enhancing its natural properties.
IonFlow device is powered by LTI Japan’s Ceramic Bead Technology. LTI Water Enhancement Technology (LTIWET) is the technology which can change the structure of water enhancing its function and can benefit the living beings around the world. LTIWET can be applied to any type of water including city water, well water, river and lake water, and even sea water.
100% Natural and Chemical-Free Solution
Works with the water flow, no separate electrical power is required for the device
Maintenace free. No filter or media changes required. No waste water is generated.
Simple operation, with no operating cost.
Ceramic media works for years
How It Works
Ceramics bead based water enhancement is a sophisticated technology with multiple levels of interconnected actions:
Creates ions in water: Ceramic beads are contained inside a stainless steel chamber and the water moves through the beads to agitate them at a constant flow rate. This agitation of beads at a controlled rate against each other creates positive ions in water through a series of steps. Due to agitation, these cat-ions get released into water. The beads remain within the IonFlow device, with their mass intact during the process.
Under the cat-ionic action the water’s inter molecular bonds break, creating ‘tiny’ water molecules: The presence of positive ions result in splitting of large molecular clusters in water. Such smaller particles result in lower surface tension and higher osmotice pressure across membranes. This water can more easily enter the cells of humans, plants and animals.
The restructured water is able to absorbs large quantity of oxygen and CO2 from air: These gases bond with the scale causing ionised minerals. Presence of cationised water prevents the resultant crystals to bond with each other and form scales.
The ionised minerals in water settle down as soft colloids under the action of carbon dioxide Scale causing minerals including ionised dissolved-Silica are thus removed. These settle down in water as soft colloids. The source water should be generally transparent, and a reduction in low level TSS is also seen.
Higher oxygen in water improves its BOD and COD parameter Water acquires anti microbial and anti oxidant properties. Presence of oxygen makes the water taste sweet.
The ceramic beads are very hard and they do not break under constant agitation: Sophisticated Japanese production ensures the beads continue to work under constant water flow rate and remain effective.
Permanent installation in the water circuit: Maintains condition in water for continuous removal of scales and prevention of rust & corrosion. The ‘tiny’ water is able to go inside the crevices of the existing scale, ‘wet’ them. The scales drop down as sludge. The dislodged impurities flow with water or setlle down at the bottom of tanks.
Water can be stored and does not revert to original condition The above molecular changes in water are not temporary and retained on storage for days.
This combination of processes ensures water that’s not only clean but also revitalised to support better health and sustainability - To summarise, water acquires sweet taste, provides better hydration, cleans well and with much less chemical detergent, mixes well with other material, has improved BOD and COD parameters, provides deodorant action (anti oxidant properties) and anti microbial action.
Ceramic Bead Science: How cat-ions are created
Beads: These specially manufactured quartz like ceramic beads are formulated from natural ores found in Japan. The LTI beads exhibit a very high CEC (cation exchange capacity) which can absorb large quantum of surface charges from water.
Agitation: The agitation of beads within the activation chamber causes them to collide resulting in localised temperature differences with water. There is generation of surface charge and thermoelectric current as per peltier /seebeck effect.
A layer of anions forms on the beads surface and a corresponding second layer of cat-ions (electric double layer) forms outside.
Interfacial electrokinetic phenomenon: The above action creates a conversion channel where electron transfer occur resulting in positive charge to water.
Dipole bonds in water Inter molecular weak H-O bonds are present resulting in significant agglomeration of water molecules. These bonds break into smaller clusters under the presence of nearby positive ions.
Lower surface tension The treated water with tiny particles, exhibits lower surface tension and it readily absorbs oxygen and carbon dioxide from air. The CO2 reacts with ionised Calcium, Magnesium etc, in the water to form crystals. These crystals do not form adhesive scales since they are covered by cationised water, turning them into non-sticky soft colloids.
Comparison with ion exchange type traditional softeners
IonFlow works to prevent new scales and remove old scales by changing the molecular structure of water into tiny particles.
Traditional softeners use ion exchange resin along with common salt — to replace all the calcium and magnesium minerals dissolved in water, replacing them with sodium. These sodium molecules introduced into water do not form hard scales.
However, this ion exchange process is ineffective against certain other scale-causing minerals, such as commonly found dissolved silica (SiO4-), which tends to form glass-like scales on hot or evaporative surfaces during use.
IonFlow works more selectively: only a small percentage of dissolved minerals exist in an ionized state, which are actually responsible for scaling. IonFlow binds these ionised minerals (Ca, Mg, SiO etc) with carbon dioxide to form soft colloids, while leaving non-ionised essential minerals, like calcium and magnesium, intact in the water.
Unlike traditional softeners, IonFlow maintains the water’s original TDS, preserving its taste and quality while avoiding sodium-based TDS alteration.
Thus, IonFlow achieves the primary goal of a softener: scale prevention in hard water areas — without compromising water quality or taste.