A Modern Water Softener for Homes

Not Just Soft - Also Enhanced Water

IonFlow transforms your home's water supply with advanced ceramic bead technology. As water flows through, these beads agitate to generate positive ions, breaking down molecular clusters, reducing surface tension, and naturally softening water.

The result? Water that hydrates better, prevents scale, and enhances antioxidant and antimicrobial properties—without chemicals or complex maintenance (see more)

Pure. Efficient. Sustainable. Enjoy better water every day with IonFlow

  • Traditional Salt based Water Softeners prevent limescale buildup by removing calcium and magnesium from water and replacing them with sodium, when the water flows over the bed of an ion-exchange resin.

    IonFlow changes the game by preserving these essential minerals. These minerals remain in water and yet do not stick to the pipe surface, by the action of cat-ions.

  • What is Hardness?

    Hard water is water that has high scale-causing mineral content. The total water hardness is the sum of the concentrations of Ca2+ and Mg2+ and is usually measured in ppm or parts per million or mg/litre.

    What is TDS?

    Total dissolved solids (TDS) is a measure of the combined content of all inorganic and organic substances contained in the water in molecular, ionized or micro- suspended form. TDS, like hardness is also measured in parts per million. Hardness is usually a subset of TDS.

  • Traditional water softeners work by exchanging calcium and magnesium ions with sodium, reducing so called ‘lime hardness’. The total dissolved solids (TDS) remains unchanged in the softeneing process.

    IonFlow takes a different approach—it doesn’t remove calcium and magnesium but instead alters their structure to prevent scale formation. As a result, the measured hardness (lime / CaCO₃) may be the same, but since the water no longer causes scaling, the effective hardness is zero.

    This means you get the benefits of scale-free water while retaining essential minerals, keeping it both effective and healthy!

  • IonFlow is a Whole Home water treatment.

    For homes and businesses, the IonFlow unit is installed on the main pipeline. Very often it could be after an underground tank in which water from different sources is collected. The device is installed in-between the water pipe that takes the pumped water to an overhead tank.

    For industries, the unit is installed closer to the point of use, optimizing its size to match the exact flow rate required for treatment.

  • The units consist of a compact cylinderical vessel that contains a fixed quantity of ceramic beads. This device is installed vertically, and the water flowing from bottom to top.

    It weighs less than 5 kg for the smallest unit (2400 LPH).

  • Yes, the unit can be used in conjunction with a UV purification or a RO system.

    The IonFLow unit with a UV purifier is a complete water purification in all areas with generally potable water.

    For areas with excessive TDS (water hardness, chemicals and harmful substances), should continue to use RO for drinking purposes. IonFlow is for whole house safety in such situations.

  • The unit is salt, resin and chemical free. It works only with the energy from the flow of water and does not require any direct electrical connection or power.

    There is also no waste water generation in the process

  • The unit processes all the water and there is zero wastage of water - a precious resource

  • The treated water has minute particles compared to ordinary water. These water particles are able to go behind existing scales in the water path and make them wet and heavy. The scales drop down by their weight, and flow out with the water.

  • The ceramic beads media comes with the warranty of five years (see warranty document for exact details).

    This product has been in use for more than 10 years continuously in many Japanese industrial installations.

Difference between Salt based ion exchange softener and an IonFlow softener
Solution for:
Prevents new scale
Removes new & old scales
Adds new properties to water
Is this a Whole-
House Solution
Yes Yes
Is the treated
water drinkable
No Yes, but adding a UV filter is
recommended for
certified purification.
Water Taste More salt
(sodium) in water
Treated water absorbs
oxygen, enhancing taste.
     Water Wastage      80 - 200 L water for
every regeneration
No salt.
No water wastage.

Hair & Skin
Soaps lather well
in absence of calcium
scum. Soft hair & skin
Easy lather & rinse.
Soft skin & hair with better
hydration. Fights dandruff
Maintenance Regular regeneration
Maintenance free.
Cost of annual
10%-20% of
equipment cost
1 - 2 5
Service Life
< 5 > 10